Just me! Being born as a first child to a family makes it just you for a while. "Just me" and my mom, or "just me" and my dad. Then along comes the other children, which makes life even better! However, they aren't "just me" kids, there are always others around. My "just me" syndrome was emphasized as I am the only girl in my family. When people had girls night it was "just me" and my mom, and since my mom is the only girl, when we visited my grandma it was "just us".
As history or society would seem to have it, girls generally gravitate more naturally to their mother. So I spent a lot of time with my great grandparents and grandparents as "just us", and a lot of time with "just me" and my mom. Fast forward to present day, my husband is the only boy so it's usually "just him" and "just me". I think this worked out to our advantage, we seem to get each other, seem to not really need much more company than the two of us, which works smashingly well with my introverted tendencies. So when we attend family functions and it's "just me" and "just him" we often don't really feel connected to anyone. No one else is the only daughter in law or son in law. And when I do as society has done and gravitate to my mom it's not a group of sisters coming together....no, it's JUST ME.
Hunting trips at my house included the majority of my family... so either I went or "just me" and mom stayed home. I didn't share clothes or fight about makeup or curling irons, it was "Just me" I had my own room, no one wanted to borrow my shoes and they could've cared less about my eyeshadow. I experienced things, like, brothers using my (expensive, paid for by me) conditioner to slide all over in the tub like it was a water slide park, or finding tampons strung apart as part of GI Joe's parachuting launches off the second level.
These experiences have made my eyes open to different family dynamics. I don't understand the sister relationship at all, I've never had one. I do however fully understand the brother relationship because that was my norm, my life. My husband however can't relate and he thinks that girl relationships are more normal than I do, HA!
With three girls of our own and two boys, none of our children are able to take our "norm" as their own. It's interesting watching sisters be sisters. I see how much fun and how much they will rely on each other as they get older and I can only relate it to the relationship I have with my mom. I'm so grateful for these three daughters that I get to have as best friends! I'm so grateful that my two boys will marry and have wives that will be able to "relate" to not being a "Sweat" or laugh together at our silly tendencies or crazy ways. I'm glad my son's-in-law will be able to sit around and talk about those Sassy leadership skilled Sweat girls they married.
I love that my husband gets me, he gets it... he understands what it feels like to be a "just me", to not really fit in, and not be uncomfortable with that either. He was raised with opposite gender domination in his house too HA!, his mom only had a sister and his sisters had each other. When we got married he thought when I said I was going to Provo that meant my mom had to come... nope it's "just me" I'd say on the phone. He found it odd that I didn't have to take hours to shop and make up my mind...He, on the other hand takes an extra long time to shop (hehehe). I found it odd so many people were expecting an invitation to attend when we got prom dresses or a wedding dress...the thought had never occurred to me that others would want to come, you see at my house it was majorly boring so "just me" and mom would do those things by ourselves.
When Shelby got married her sisters wanted to go wedding dress shopping... this was foreign territory for me. Why do we need an entourage? But I've learned in all this gender diversion that there isn't a right or a wrong we're just different! I'm grateful to have amazing Sister's -in-law and Brother's-in-law. To be the "Favorite" daughter in law, and to be able to write Sweat on our things and everyone knows their ours LOL! I'm grateful to be able to go wedding dress shop with nieces, to kayak with nephews and to experience all the different things I get to being "just me". I love that we get to introduce our "normal" to those our children choose as spouses. This life is crazy and I'm so happy I get to be "just me"