Sunday, August 19, 2012


So it's been chaotic... Ha ha!  Yes I guess that's why it's Up Chaos Creek isn't it :)  Well I have a few posts that I am working on but need pics, and my SD card broke in my phone so I have to find the camera and charge the battery and blah blah blah.  So here is my 2 cents for the moment until I get my butt in gear and take pics for the other posts I have in the works.  Opposites!  Do you ever feel so tired?  You sleep and then you are still sleepy or you eat and you are still hungry?  I have found lately that what my body thinks it wants is actually the Opposite of what I need.  I have been SLACKING on my exercise routine, last minute vacations, summer winding down, home school starting (Yep we started!).  So my energy has been down, which makes me exhausted and overwhelmed.  Which in return makes me want to sleep more,when in reality I need to get up and move I need exercise even if my body is oh so tired!  Same with my recent sugar addiction cravings.  I have this stupid desire to eat unconsciously and just keep eating.  When in reality I need to track what I eat and try to eat healthy.  So many times what we really need is the opposite of what we think.  Learning to love people who are difficult doesn't require avoiding them it requires service and being involved.  Being patient with my children doesn't involve them learning to be quiet 24/7, it involves me controlling my temper and learning to love them and teaching them.  I love the saying "Seek first to understand, then to be understood!"  I find that these past few months I have been digging deep to find ME, to find who I am and what I am and what I want and need.  And the more I reach out, the more ME I find. It isn't about being selfish or having quiet time, mommy time, alone time. (Not saying alone time isn't needed, because IT SO IS!)  The more I try to be patient with my kids, or try to love someone I'm frustrated with, or try to be kind to those who aren't kind.  The more my heart is filled with compassion, the more I find the real ME and the more patience and love I gain.  So this week remember the OPPOSITES, sometimes what we are seeking after is the OPPOSITE of what we need!