This weekend we celebrated Buckwheat's birthday! It was a crazy weekend because it's finally getting colder, like it's suppose to be, like that season called winter that we seem to have forgotten about in Utah. With that Buckwheat got the puking yuckiness and now has this croup coughing thing and sore throat, he looks like he got hit by a train but he's hanging in there. YUCK! I hate it when kids are sick! But we had a little party for him just our little family and then he had Grandparents and other family swing by (or call or text) to wish him happy birthday! We had to cancel the family party so we didn't infect the world, cancelled his friend party (hopefully we can reschedule soon) and had to cancel babysitting on Monday because of this yucky yucky crud he's contracted! It wasn't what I had planned, but you learn to wing it when you have kids right? Sickness doesn't come at convenient times is just happens! Happy Happy Birthday Buckwheat! We Love you so much and are so glad you came to our little Family!
On a better note, with the sick I got a lot done for my Homemade Christmas Gift Giving extravaganza! I would post pictures, but I think my Sisters in law would see what I made and that makes it not so fun! So I will tell you that this has made the season GREAT for me, to create with my own hands things for my little nieces and nephews that I hope they will LOVE! I'm SO EXCITED for them to see what we created! I got 5 nieces and 1 nephews gift done while we have been laid up sick and not going anywhere. Oh and I also did a little Cmas shopping online and at a few local stores so Christmas is on it's way!
The moment you realize that you're up a creek without a paddle! Learning to steer your way through life, losing your way yet finding yourself, loving the journey and searching for serenity....and in the midst of it all, realizing the chaos makes it all worth while. WELCOME!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
~Finding US~
This year must be a lot about reflection~ because it seems to be all I think about. Finding balance, finding peace, finding who I am, finding time, finding, finding finding or better yet CREATING it! It's all good! I think that finding who we really are is so important and so healing. I've been struggling a lot lately with who we are as a family, as a homeschooling family. Our curriculum we are using is.... OK. I don't hate it but I don't love it. I love the school the program we are in and the teachers that are helping us, but it doesn't allow me the freedom I had envisioned when I started this journey of teaching at home. I'm struggling with the "you have to do 7 lessons today", or should I say Jo is struggling with it and Buckwheat, well let's be honest he could care less if he learned how to count, but he wants to do boy stuff (he really knows how to count I was just exaggerating, LOL!) And little peanut is so intrigued with all this learning that she is disappointed she doesn't have a book of her own. Anyway, I was talking with a wise woman tonight (yep, my mom) and we were discussing different things about what is important to life and important to each of us. I've come to the conclusion that we can meander from our curriculum as long as we are learning the same type of thing, I don't need to read the text book for literature if it's not working for us, so we can read other books and write reports on them and do different types of activities to learn what we want to learn. Ultimately it comes down to a handful of things.
- What do I want out of this experience?
- What do I want my children to gain?
- What do I want to be, the nagging teacher, or the amazing explorer?
- How do I want our home (school) to feel?
- What matters most?
In answer to these questions, I have given it a lot of thought. A lot of prayers and soul searching has gone into this. At first I was ready to give up. As Jo asked if she could just go back to regular school because I was too tough on her and she felt she had too much to do. I took a step back and couldn't understand why she wanted to leave, why this wasn't working like I had planned. Realizing that I'm not a "fun" person by nature, oh I can have a good time and I am fun to be around and I do fun things, but it doesn't come naturally to me I am more serious, more "LET'S GET DOWN TO WORK" that's more my motto. So DUH no wonder Jo wanted out, I didn't do creative stuff, I don't really like messes (I know I'm so boring!) But I do know how to have fun and that is something I am not letting my children see. The "Me" side, the side that isn't mom, that isn't the maid, that isn't the teacher. So I thought and here are my answers to these life altering questions....First of all WE ARE NOT GIVING UP, because this is so important to me and I KNOW it's what we are suppose to do. Also I realize that there will be good and bad and we have to adjust and may have to several times through out the course of this creek we are journeying down:
- I want this home-school experience to be STELLAR! I want my kids friends to want to home-school because we ROCK at it, not that we will be perfect at it but that my kids will experience things other kids don't always get to and that we will be together exploring the world and doing the things that WE want to do, and learning what WE want to learn. Whether it be how to make beautiful snow flakes outta paper (which is what we did last week) or discovering how puppies are born (which will be happening I prepared for puppies?!?!)
- I want my children to gain knowledge, to gain character, to be good people, loving caring individuals that are accepting. Children who know they are daughters and sons of God! I want them to gain confidence in themselves and in the things they are accomplishing and learning
- I want to be an AMAZING mother, wife, teacher, friend, student and woman! I know that is an ambitious goal but I also know that learning and growing NEVER ENDS! So if I have eternity to develop into this, that should be sufficient enough!
- I want the feeling of our home, and our school to be LOVE, EXCITEMENT, FRIENDSHIP, JOY, CREATIVITY and CHAOS! Yes, Chaos~ because with chaos, organized chaos it means we will have ample to do. Ceasing to be idle, by engaging our minds and our hands in purposes that are helpful, full of learning experiences, service and love. I want our home to feel what we feel in our hearts!
- Saved the best for last, What matters most to me is that my children know who they are, they know that they have a Loving Heavenly Father and they know they are LOVED by their parents and siblings. Other than that nothing else matters to me. I don't mind if Buckwheat takes 2 years to read at grade level, because he knows how to brand cows, build extravagant Lego houses and love his family unconditionally. I don't mind that Jo hates to diagram sentences (heaven only knows where she got that from, hehehe!) because she ROCKS at spelling and can spell things off the charts, and she is an amazing help to me and her soul is older than any 9 year old you've ever meet. I don't mind if Peanut can recognize all her letters or only the ones in her name, because she is a whiz at math and can color with the best of them and she is the sweetest most caring little woman! When it boils down to it, I want my children to KNOW THEY ARE LOVED! I want them to feel the love, to experience the love and to relish in it. NOTHING else matters.
This doesn't mean I will stop teaching, but it means that I will view our lessons, our school, our lives differently. I will try my hardest to perfect my imperfections, to be patient, kind, understanding, and helpful to these little people that God has entrusted me with. We will learn together and we will learn remarkable things, fabulous character traits, and we will try to help wherever we can! I want my children to be good people I want them to know God, to know how to work, to know that education comes from so many places and that they should NEVER feel insecure because they weren't schooled the "normal" way. This is my hope, my dream and my new devotion. To be US, to find US, to create US, to love US and in the process learn all we can about what makes US interested, better, and happy! Thank you for those who read my blog. I am trying to make more time to blog as it brings me great happiness to share my feelings and experiences with all of you (or the one of you) :) regardless it's therapeutic and fills me! Hers's to our chaotic Journey, of love and happily ever afters!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Homeschooling? Yes we are!
So I know this post is LONG overdue. I have had some, interesting weeks, along with my phone sd card going KAPUT! Yep, I lost all those glorious pictures, all the ones I was going to Blog about and show all the cool things we are doing in our HomeSchool. Oh bother! Needless to say I was a little upset and saddened by the whole mishap. So we had to kind of start over and get new pics and hopefully it won't make too much difference. Thanks to my brother (and his upgrade to an Iphone) I got an sd card and I can take pics now!
SWEAT ACADEMY 2012-2013 and it's dedicated students :)
Water beads! One of our first little experiments.
So tiny! But man did they grow. They are fun, squishy and cool!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
So it's been chaotic... Ha ha! Yes I guess that's why it's Up Chaos Creek isn't it :) Well I have a few posts that I am working on but need pics, and my SD card broke in my phone so I have to find the camera and charge the battery and blah blah blah. So here is my 2 cents for the moment until I get my butt in gear and take pics for the other posts I have in the works. Opposites! Do you ever feel so tired? You sleep and then you are still sleepy or you eat and you are still hungry? I have found lately that what my body thinks it wants is actually the Opposite of what I need. I have been SLACKING on my exercise routine, last minute vacations, summer winding down, home school starting (Yep we started!). So my energy has been down, which makes me exhausted and overwhelmed. Which in return makes me want to sleep more,when in reality I need to get up and move I need exercise even if my body is oh so tired! Same with my recent sugar addiction cravings. I have this stupid desire to eat unconsciously and just keep eating. When in reality I need to track what I eat and try to eat healthy. So many times what we really need is the opposite of what we think. Learning to love people who are difficult doesn't require avoiding them it requires service and being involved. Being patient with my children doesn't involve them learning to be quiet 24/7, it involves me controlling my temper and learning to love them and teaching them. I love the saying "Seek first to understand, then to be understood!" I find that these past few months I have been digging deep to find ME, to find who I am and what I am and what I want and need. And the more I reach out, the more ME I find. It isn't about being selfish or having quiet time, mommy time, alone time. (Not saying alone time isn't needed, because IT SO IS!) The more I try to be patient with my kids, or try to love someone I'm frustrated with, or try to be kind to those who aren't kind. The more my heart is filled with compassion, the more I find the real ME and the more patience and love I gain. So this week remember the OPPOSITES, sometimes what we are seeking after is the OPPOSITE of what we need!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Focus on the Positive!
I have been feeling very inadequate lately. Feeling like I am juggling (which I am usually pretty good at) and not knowing where I am going or what I've got juggling in the air! I have always done well under pressure, wait til your under the gun and BUST A MOVE and I've usually done pretty well. Until now.... So I've been trying to simplify and do things differently, but still I just feel like I am one HUGE slacker! Not doing awesome at anything in life, just doing okay at all things. As I thought about this today, today being our "Day of Rest" I contemplated all the things that I need to do, all the things that I didn't do this weekend and all the areas I was lacking in. Then something moved me....It isn't what I haven't done today, or yesterday, it's what I did do! I may have piles of laundry left but man I did at least 20 loads this week. I may have a messy kitchen again, but we had an AWESOME family slumber party on the trampoline last night, looking at star constellations and talking with the little ones! So this is my post this week, don't focus on what you DIDN'T accomplish but what you DID! There is always room for improvement. So here is my, "feel good" list of things I am proud I've accomplished in life!
I am the mother of 5 amazing kids, one of whom is an adult now and although I didn't give birth to the first two I love them as if I had! At the age of 20 I had an 8 year old and a 4 year old. Not too many people have that situation at 20. It wasn't all "ducks and bunnies" as my brother would say :0) Hahaha! But I have to admit I would do it again! I love being a mother and I love what they have each taught me and continue to teach me.
I am going to school to earn my degree in Elementary Education. This is challenging with little kids at home but it is so important to me. I want my kids to know how much I value education and that they can do anything they set their mind to. Also my GPA is a 3.49 which is pretty good seeing as my procrastination can be...challenging sometimes.
I washed the kitchen floor and the rugs this weekend. Cleaned my bedroom and put a roast on for Sunday dinner. Yep it's not a big "pat on the back" but it was good to get it done! :)
I have a pile of yard sale stuff in my bedroom that I have collected to get rid of. I am trying to dejunk and simplify our home as well so having stuff to sell is making room for more peace of mind and less STUFF.
I married Hank! Yes that is one of the BEST THINGS I did EVER! Trust me, we have our share of struggles, but life wouldn't be worth living without him! He is my best friend and I love him eternally!
I am going to homeschool... this isn't an accomplishment per-say but it is a goal I've always had and now it is a reality. As the summer winds down I have gone into PANIC mode. Wondering "is this really what I want to do" thinking "Maybe I'll just send them off to school and not worry about all the stuff there is to do." And every so often when I start feeling this way, I read an article or get some quote or saying or talk from somewhere that affirms to me that THIS IS WHAT I NEED TO DO! Tender mercies!
I graduated from high school with High Honors. I know that seems silly, but I am really proud of that still to this day.
I went to church today, despite my rush and crazy morning and feeling like that's the last place I wanted to be I did it! And I was sure glad I did!
So from age 20 with an immediate family after saying I do, to now age 30 with 5 kids to love and care for, an amazing husband. Incredible family and friends and piles of laundry and endless amounts of homework, I am very proud of myself for what I have done. Proud of who I am and what I have become. Because through all the bad and all the dumb things I have done in life, I turned out just fine! I learned from my mistakes and I continue to learn and grow. Without what I use to be I wouldn't be who I am! My cup runeth over! What DID you accomplish this week, this year, or this lifetime? What are you PROUD OF?
I am the mother of 5 amazing kids, one of whom is an adult now and although I didn't give birth to the first two I love them as if I had! At the age of 20 I had an 8 year old and a 4 year old. Not too many people have that situation at 20. It wasn't all "ducks and bunnies" as my brother would say :0) Hahaha! But I have to admit I would do it again! I love being a mother and I love what they have each taught me and continue to teach me.
I am going to school to earn my degree in Elementary Education. This is challenging with little kids at home but it is so important to me. I want my kids to know how much I value education and that they can do anything they set their mind to. Also my GPA is a 3.49 which is pretty good seeing as my procrastination can be...challenging sometimes.
I washed the kitchen floor and the rugs this weekend. Cleaned my bedroom and put a roast on for Sunday dinner. Yep it's not a big "pat on the back" but it was good to get it done! :)
I have a pile of yard sale stuff in my bedroom that I have collected to get rid of. I am trying to dejunk and simplify our home as well so having stuff to sell is making room for more peace of mind and less STUFF.
I married Hank! Yes that is one of the BEST THINGS I did EVER! Trust me, we have our share of struggles, but life wouldn't be worth living without him! He is my best friend and I love him eternally!
I graduated from high school with High Honors. I know that seems silly, but I am really proud of that still to this day.
I went to church today, despite my rush and crazy morning and feeling like that's the last place I wanted to be I did it! And I was sure glad I did!
So from age 20 with an immediate family after saying I do, to now age 30 with 5 kids to love and care for, an amazing husband. Incredible family and friends and piles of laundry and endless amounts of homework, I am very proud of myself for what I have done. Proud of who I am and what I have become. Because through all the bad and all the dumb things I have done in life, I turned out just fine! I learned from my mistakes and I continue to learn and grow. Without what I use to be I wouldn't be who I am! My cup runeth over! What DID you accomplish this week, this year, or this lifetime? What are you PROUD OF?
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Homeschool Convetion Day 2!!
Oh my! Here I am again, with the dilemma of what to share and what to not.....there was so much to take in, yet I was not overwhelmed I was so fed by all of the remarkable things to think about! We started off the morning early, as we drove down the canyon my madre and I got STUCK in the traffic from the marathon that was being run down the canyon. OH, KILLJOY! It made us late, but we had a great time anyway. We got to chat and ponder, we ate at Cafe Rio and went to a tent sale as well! All in the name of FUN! Which if anyone knows us, fun doesn't happen much we usually WORK :) HA! So it was a glorious way to start the morning, then we went to the convention. Our first workshop was again the amazing Nicholeen Peck this time she taught "How to raise Youth not Teens" her children get highly offended when you call them teenagers. I LOVE IT! Because my youngest brother was homeschooled I get the difference between youth and teens. My experience of teenagers is arrogant, self absorbed pre-adults who want to be treated as adults yet have no intention of behaving like them. (Yes I am sure I was partly teenager at one point ha!). But when my baby brother was homeschooled I saw something different in him, he cared, he was kind, curious, responsible. He wasn't idle (well not all the time), he worked hard, he paid for things he needed, and he tried to contribute to society as well as our family. This is what I want to raise, Youth not teenagers. Nicholeen did an outstanding job comparing the two and even showed us a short film on the difference, her fist example was Justin Beiber with his cockiness and flipping of the hair, then she showed us a clip of Kirk Cameron interviewing two twin brothers about 18 years old that had written a book to change lives of "teens". They had read a book during an intense summer reading program their father had asked them to be a part of, they read about different cultures and how China uses the teen years to make great changes, to prepare for the rest of their lives, and how American teens are allowed to waste it, and are the most unproductive during that time of their lives. HOW SAD IS THAT? I then thought about what I did when I was of that age, I wouldn't say I completley wasted it, but I could have done a lot more. And my baby bro, yeah he did awesome things! He was able to work construction because he wasn't in public school, so he had built several homes by the time he was 18. He had so much "street smarts" and life experience by the time he should have been a senior in high school, he attended college for a year before going to serve a mission for our church. Great Kid! Any way the book those kids wrote was called Do Hard Things a teenage rebellion against low expectations. WOW! That's all I can say, they were WOW! They want teens to realize they can do things, they can make a difference and they can start now! After hearing this, I KNOW what I want, I want YOUTH, I want amazing YOUTH that do HARD THINGS, that challenge themselves and push themselves forward while others stand still. That is what I want for my children. Will it be hard? I can't imagine why not, but it will be worth every moment I spend with them, every thing I help them do and every lesson we learn together.
The next workshop we attended was about acronyms and getting children into a routine of Chores, Learning, Attitude and Planning CLAP. It was great! The message was to have interviews and meetings to plan out your week and what goals your kids need, then rate them on their chores and learning and their attitude from the previous week. The gal teaching it had a running tally of the $ her kids earned and she would use it like a debit card so to speak, never giving out real $ but allowing the kids to purchase things when they were out and she would deduct it from their running tally. Very good organizational ideas and thoughts!
The last workshop of the conference was called "The Hope chest Journey" by Donna Goff. It was so great to hear her speak. She is well known in the homeschooling world. She spoke about girls not having skills anymore and when they use to give hope chests, they would really work on building a daughters skills so she could be married and TAKE CARE of a home, cook, clean, mend, sew, be religious, raise children, plant a garden, etc. She talked about having a group of mothers and daughters gather in your home or in whoever's home once a month and have a book club, talk about a book with a value or a virtue of some sort. Then do a skill or help a humanitarian project. Something where mothers can teach their daughters, and where women can be mentors and learn to love these little girls and help them become women and learn skills that are helpful to living life. So much of our society now, is drop your kids off and pick them up later, we don't teach we don't mentor we don't engage ourselves in their lives then we wonder why they don't know what they need to know. Also if you have a group of people your children are mentored by or spend time with they will become more like those people and less like the people you wouldn't want them to spend time with. It was a great message and she actually teaches this lesson in peoples homes for free!
I have been so fed by this amazing conference that I got to attend with my mom! It was so fun to spend time with her, for she truly is the greatest influence in my life! I am so glad she was my mentor, and so glad she will be my children's mentor. I am excited to implement the many things I have learned and start new things with my children as we embark on this Homeschooling adventure! The waters will be rough, I have no doubt, it will be hard at times and we will think we won't make it, but we will! We will persevere and steer our little ships up the creek finding our own way and enjoying even the rough waters we encounter! I can't wait!!
I am truly thinking of starting a little hope chest group of my own, meeting as women and daughters and learning life skills and being mentors to each other. If any of you are interested please let me know I would love to have you be involved, we can learn so much from each other and we each possess talents that are unique and can be enjoyed by all!
The next workshop we attended was about acronyms and getting children into a routine of Chores, Learning, Attitude and Planning CLAP. It was great! The message was to have interviews and meetings to plan out your week and what goals your kids need, then rate them on their chores and learning and their attitude from the previous week. The gal teaching it had a running tally of the $ her kids earned and she would use it like a debit card so to speak, never giving out real $ but allowing the kids to purchase things when they were out and she would deduct it from their running tally. Very good organizational ideas and thoughts!
The last workshop of the conference was called "The Hope chest Journey" by Donna Goff. It was so great to hear her speak. She is well known in the homeschooling world. She spoke about girls not having skills anymore and when they use to give hope chests, they would really work on building a daughters skills so she could be married and TAKE CARE of a home, cook, clean, mend, sew, be religious, raise children, plant a garden, etc. She talked about having a group of mothers and daughters gather in your home or in whoever's home once a month and have a book club, talk about a book with a value or a virtue of some sort. Then do a skill or help a humanitarian project. Something where mothers can teach their daughters, and where women can be mentors and learn to love these little girls and help them become women and learn skills that are helpful to living life. So much of our society now, is drop your kids off and pick them up later, we don't teach we don't mentor we don't engage ourselves in their lives then we wonder why they don't know what they need to know. Also if you have a group of people your children are mentored by or spend time with they will become more like those people and less like the people you wouldn't want them to spend time with. It was a great message and she actually teaches this lesson in peoples homes for free!
I have been so fed by this amazing conference that I got to attend with my mom! It was so fun to spend time with her, for she truly is the greatest influence in my life! I am so glad she was my mentor, and so glad she will be my children's mentor. I am excited to implement the many things I have learned and start new things with my children as we embark on this Homeschooling adventure! The waters will be rough, I have no doubt, it will be hard at times and we will think we won't make it, but we will! We will persevere and steer our little ships up the creek finding our own way and enjoying even the rough waters we encounter! I can't wait!!
I am truly thinking of starting a little hope chest group of my own, meeting as women and daughters and learning life skills and being mentors to each other. If any of you are interested please let me know I would love to have you be involved, we can learn so much from each other and we each possess talents that are unique and can be enjoyed by all!
Friday, June 8, 2012
My First Homeschool Convention ~Day 1
Oh my GOODNESS! I have so much to say and not enough hours to do it in, or fast enough fingers to express it all. I attended my first Home School Convention today! What an awesome experience! I have notes, and fliers, and books and so much more than I thought possible. My mom got to go with me (which made it even better, I forget how much I love spending time with her she is an amazing woman and I am so lucky!) We walked through the curriculum fair and they had an overload of ideas. I got a subscription to Sonic Dad, you gotta check it out. This guy makes things and tests them and perfects them, then gives you the blue prints (so to speak) and you can make COOL THINGS with your kids! My Buckwheat is gonna be in 7th heaven!!! Speaking of... quick funny story. So yesterday I told Buckwheat that I was going to learn all about homeschooling at the convention. I said "I will be gone tomorrow to the home school convention". This morning as I am getting ready he says "Mom, where are we going" I said "Remember I have the home school convention?" He says "IT'S TOMORROW ALREADY?" LOL! No buckwheat it's today, but yes it's tomorrow because of yesterday... oh dear, I think we need to learn a little more about time and days! He cracks me up! Back to the convention.....the curriculum fair had TONS of things! Herbs, toys, games, books, ideas, anything you could think of. I met up with an old friend from Discovery Toys which I use to sell when Buckwheat was little. They have AWESOME games that grow with your child, and their warranty is great, they also have educational things so you aren't just buying JUNK TOYS! Love them! So then the real fun began, my mom and I attended the first workshop "Home school built on love not on a bankroll" meaning you can home school for little money, you don't need to buy elaborate curriculum if you don't have the funds. Becca Evenson was the speaker and she runs a website. She was great, she has home schooled reluctantly at first (hint hint little friend who thinks she can't...yep you!) for 20 years. The second hour we attended the same gals' work shop on Learning Styles. It is so important to know how your child learns so you don't waste money of things that aren't even going to appeal to them. Also important to know so you can help them relate to others, if you are auditory and you talk non stop (we have a few of those at my house lol!) And someone is a kinesthetic learner and the auditory person wonders why the kinesthetic person isn't listening.... it's because they can't they physically can't listen to that much noise :) We may have found our problem here at our house...gee golly!! It was very informative! The last session of the day was "The Power of Calm" by Nicholeen Peck oh goodness this was my favorite of the day! The presenter was fantastic, and she was real! We got her book! I have.....forever been trying to find my center, my calm from the storm. I think this program and her book will help me be able to feel calm and be able to be "prepared in any crisis to be calm". I can't say enough about what she talked about. It spoke to me! I want my children to learn these things, to be able to master themselves and to be calm in the face of any crisis. Nicholeen described calm not as, "you are happy, reading a book on the couch eating grapes while your children are happily playing around you", but as "You are in the grocery store with all your kids and everyone wants something different, or you are at the pool and you lost the toddler" LOL! She was so funny! But that is really what Calm has to be like, we chose to react instead of be proactive. We have to train ourselves to be calm when the toddler is lost at the pool (heaven forbid) or when the 4 year old won't stop WHINING ALL DAY LONG! I too often let their actions determine my mood, or my level of control. I can't wait to implement this in my home, to find peace, harmony and the power of Calm! Well, there is much more to share, but I will save that for tomorrow because I get to go back!!!! EEEKKK! I am squealing with delight (which is a big deal for me, I don't squeal often HA HA!)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Help, Advice.... Suggestions...
So! As those of you who read this blog know, I have changed the background a few times. I just can't seem to find anything "fitting" nothing I have found is what I want, I don't LOVE any of what I've seen. With that said, any ideas on how to make the background..... ME?
Monday, May 21, 2012
The countdown is on! My little ones have 4 days of school left (2 being half days). I can't tell you how much this EXCITES me! We are in for such an adventure. For those of you who don't know, we will be Homeschooling next year, yes all 3 little ones, Jo, Buckwheat and Peanut she techincally isn't old enough but that doesn't matter at HOME! :) So why am I doing this crazy thing you ask? Well, number one reason ~ it's what I feel is BEST for me and my crew! I think that is the most important thing, you have to do things for you and not because the whole world does or doesn't. We do a lot of crazy things, like not immunize our kids for very valid reasons. I encapsulate my own herbs (freaky I know ha ha!) I just made my own dish and laundry detergent (will follow up with that post at a later date!) I recently learned how to make yogurt. I want to make my own bread, I know how but Hank won't use it to eat sandwiches with because it falls apart so I need a SANDWICH bread. I am thrilled to keep my kids home with me all day every day, because I will be able to control them able to spend more quality time with them ;)! I really can't wait to watch them learn and grow, and not have to wonder what they learned at school, because Buckwheat can't ever remember! Silly boy! I am odd, quirky and yes I think I Am THE NORMAL ONE. To each his own, we are all unique and we all do what we do for valid reasons. So as I embark down this new "Creek" of life I invite you to follow us, see what we are up to, comment on our learning and let me know why you do what you do! I love to learn what works for others, and incorporate different aspects in my own life. You never know if it will work for you until you try it!
As for homeschooling.... I am a bit overwhelmed there are so many choices in curriculum. I have debated about Washington Online School they use K12 curriculum and others and seem to have a really great program. I also have put my name on the waiting list at Harmony Ed but can't decide if I want to commit to going to an actual school once a week. They have incredible classes offered, but do I want to do that or stay home. Afterall wasn't that why I decided to homeschool, so we didn't have to chase, so we could enjoy life and be together. Five in a Row curriculum really appeals to me, I love basing all learning on one book and digging DEEP! These are just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much to go off of, I could go on for days. But I'll spare you the agony. Point being this journey is going to be AMAZING, I know it will be hard, I know I will want to quit and I will threaten my kids that they will be put back in school if they don't OBEY he he he he! Or as my mother use to say to my youngest brother "You can get on that Cheese Wagon tomorrow morning!" LOL! No I am not dissing public school, if that's your thing that's GREAT! That's the beauty of choice! My dillema's may be answered as I attend the homeschool convention in our area in a few weeks....or perhaps my dillema's haven't begun because I don't know all the OTHER stuff they are going to unfold upon me. Oh good gravy, this may be bad! Either way our homeschool adventures are about to begin, and I am sure we will have a few trials by error but that's the joy in the journey. We will see what works for us, what makes our hearts happy! So make your heart happy~ do what you do because that's who you are! And stay tuned for MUCH more HOMESCHOOLING up CHAOS CREEK!
As for homeschooling.... I am a bit overwhelmed there are so many choices in curriculum. I have debated about Washington Online School they use K12 curriculum and others and seem to have a really great program. I also have put my name on the waiting list at Harmony Ed but can't decide if I want to commit to going to an actual school once a week. They have incredible classes offered, but do I want to do that or stay home. Afterall wasn't that why I decided to homeschool, so we didn't have to chase, so we could enjoy life and be together. Five in a Row curriculum really appeals to me, I love basing all learning on one book and digging DEEP! These are just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much to go off of, I could go on for days. But I'll spare you the agony. Point being this journey is going to be AMAZING, I know it will be hard, I know I will want to quit and I will threaten my kids that they will be put back in school if they don't OBEY he he he he! Or as my mother use to say to my youngest brother "You can get on that Cheese Wagon tomorrow morning!" LOL! No I am not dissing public school, if that's your thing that's GREAT! That's the beauty of choice! My dillema's may be answered as I attend the homeschool convention in our area in a few weeks....or perhaps my dillema's haven't begun because I don't know all the OTHER stuff they are going to unfold upon me. Oh good gravy, this may be bad! Either way our homeschool adventures are about to begin, and I am sure we will have a few trials by error but that's the joy in the journey. We will see what works for us, what makes our hearts happy! So make your heart happy~ do what you do because that's who you are! And stay tuned for MUCH more HOMESCHOOLING up CHAOS CREEK!
"I believe it would be much better for everyone if children were given their start in education at home.
No one understands a child as well as his mother, and children are so different that they need individual training and study. A teacher with a room full of pupils cannot do this.
At home, too, they are in their mother's care. She can keep them from learning immoral things from other children."
- Quote / Words by Laura Ingalls Wilder
No one understands a child as well as his mother, and children are so different that they need individual training and study. A teacher with a room full of pupils cannot do this.
At home, too, they are in their mother's care. She can keep them from learning immoral things from other children."
- Quote / Words by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
So my friend did this cute post about her birthday and her "utter Randomness" and we decided I must do it to... Maybe it'll be some kind of tradition or something ;) It is My Birthday!... yes I know I can't be 25 til next year and I can't wait, so here I am .... GULP... 30! GEESH, what the heck happened? Time flies when you're having fun I guess! I am pretty sure I remember when my mom was 30, Not so sure I like this moving up to the next chair stage. Anyway here is my "UTTER RANDOMNESS" for my Birthday!
I am the oldest of 4 children, I have 3 AWESOMELY COOL BROTHERS! And I wouldn't trade it for the world, they keep me Sane and make me crazy, growing up the only girl ROCKED, I didn't share clothes, makeup, a room. Okay I take that back I did share clothes, but it was with my mom and she's AMAZING so it was all good! I love my bro's and my mom and dad, they are my Calm to my Storm and I thank them for raising me, and give them credit for who I am! I grew up in a small town, with 10 acres, room to run and no one could hear you scream! The BEST! I guess that's where I got my BIG HUGE BUBBLE, as in: I NEED SPACE! I would LOVE to live in the middle of nowhere and plop my house right in the middle of 100 acres! (Someday, someday!) I am married to a talented, sexy guy whom I love with ALL MY HEART (Yep, even on those.....days)! Together we have 5 FABULOUS kiddos. Yes I refer to them as the FABULOUS FIVE, because they are! I have 4 FANTASTIC sister in-laws (kinda cool to have sisters now!) and 2 REALLY COOL bro in-laws. I have GREAT in-laws too! I also have 7 nieces and 2 Nephews....seriously where did all these girls come from? (FYI: Me, only girl, My mom Only girl, My grandmother, only girl, my aunt only girl ~ so this GIRL'S taking over the world is a new experience for me)! And I admit there is too much estrogen in the air for me somedays!
Favorite Color: PURPLE, GREEN OR RED depending on the day or what the color is needed for :)
Favorite Number: 37 because that's what channel Nickelodeon was on when I was little! Yeah I know I'm cool!
Favorite Food: Italian ~ I love lasagna and Olive Garden and anything with PASTA! I love mashed potatoes, and I'm a meat and potatoes kinda girl. I love me a big ol' steak that's pink in the middle. No well done beef for me! I love asparagus and broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, peppers. I do not like things that are really spicy, I use to think ketchup was as spicy as I could go. But I've come A LONG WAY! But I like to taste my food not have my taste buds SEARED OFF MY TONGUE!
Favorite Treat
CHOCOLATE! yes that's an easy one, chocolate anything, dark chocolate, milk chocolate. Not a huge fan of white chocolate....cause it's really not chocolate, chocolate is BROWN people! I love things like chocolate cake (the kind with no flour, yeah like the..."wow that's too rich" kind of cake or torte, yep its really not to rich, just ask my middle brother :) I love nutella, baked anything, cookies, brownies, pies, puddings. I do not like gummies or hard candy. My favorite shake at the shake place in town is Joyous Almond. I love Snickers with Almonds. I love nuts, almost any kind of nut, almonds, walnuts, pecans. I love coconut and tropical flavored things too. I love love love, berries, banana's, kiwi, pineapple, peaches, mango...most fruits. I also love anything with cream, or milk. My mom says I am part cat.... I will drink half and half, or evaporated milk, I love heavy whipping cream in ANYTHING. And I have been known to drink the coffee creamers at restaurant's (oh snap! did I just admit that out loud!)
My Style
Well according to my previous post, it is BOHEMIAN CASUAL, yes I am the description but don't google that cause I am NOTHING like the pictures! I would say I am classic, casual, conservative. I like black....for many reasons, but I wear it almost daily...okay maybe every day of my life! I don't like to draw attention to myself and I am not a big loud color person. I feel all weird and outta place if I have too much color on. I know ISSUES, I have ISSUES!
Every piece of jewelry I own is White gold or silver, I do not like yellow gold. Or better yet I don't like it on me, and it doesn't match my wedding ring so I just can't bring myself to wear it. I don't have a lot of jewelry, although I have branched out over the years. I don't do bracelets, they bang on tables when I set my wrist down and it makes me BoNkErS!
My decorating style is...clean, sophisticated and very.... classic/casual. I like stripes, plaids, paisley. Neutral colors, but a lot of red. I LOVE grapes! I do not like wild prints, okay I LOVE ZEBRA and LEOPARD though! Color Freaks me out a bit, except red or purple or green I could do that all day. I am trying to branch out and even might add my bedroom soon. Scary I know! Color phobic.... I think there is such a disease! ;)
I love to be with my family. I like to camp in a camp trailer (with a toilet and a shower, yes I know I'm HIGH MAINTENANCE ha ha! actually it's due to the fact that I don't do so well with out indoore plumbing, and yes my girls inherited the gene!) I like to boat and fish and hunt. I love to scrapbook and craft and sew. I love to clean, really I love to clean! I like to read and read and read. I like to ride horses although I don't do it enough. I love calving season, branding cows and hay season. I like to four wheel. I like to shoot guns. And yes, I can outshoot my husband :), and he is VERY PROUD of that! (totally got that gene from my dad, he's AMAZING)
Favorite Time of Year
I love Easter and Spring. I love Christmas and Christmas music, I would listen to it ALL YEAR LONG! Fall is my favorite season. I love the leaves and the crisp autumn air. I love knowing it's the hunts and starting fires in our fireplace. I love knowing the scorching sun is going to give it a rest for a little bit ;).
Odd Things
I do not like the heat, I do melt. I don't like opening presents in front of people. Rocks in the ground give me the heeby geebies! I despise puke. I feel more comfortable around guys than girls (think the brothers had something to do with that). I love the rain. I love to be cold (because you can get warm, you can't get cool enough). I am a night owl. I could sleep all day. I love brunch especially if it involves french toast. I was born with hip displaysia. I like to color with sharp crayons. I love to write. I love babies and kids! I do many jobs, like babysit, clean homes, cashier at a gas station, do book keeping. I attend school and am working on my degree in elementary education. I am going to home school my three little ones next year. Yes, those two statements sound contradictory, but they will work out hand in hand! I hate yard work with a passion. I hate crowds, audiences, I will hyperventilate and pass out I'm sure of it. I pass out at the sight, mention or talk of, blood, needles, surgery or pain. I had 3 c-sections (yep, me) I passed out several times before they even got the IV in me. Did I mention I HATE NEEDLES!
Favorite Disney Princess
Belle, because she wants to help the Beast even when he isn't nice to her. She is always finding the good in others. I like that characteristic.
Favorite Flower
I love lilies especially Tiger Lilies! But any lily is my favorite.
Audiences, spiders, snakes, bugs, scary movies, attention, mice, bats, birds (to some degree, it freaks me out when they flap their wings), blood, needles, hospitals (yeah that's why I'm not a nurse), water (I can't swim, well unless I have a nose plug and life jacket if it's over 4 and half feet deep).
Love Language
My love language is SERVICE, don't tell me you love me, do something for me :) I feel loved when the floors are vacuumed, swept and the house is in order. I also love that way, I will clean your counters even if you didn't want me too, I try my hardest to refrain, really I do. So please don't be offended if I start washing, wiping or picking up, it's just who I am, and means I want you to know I care. I also love words of affirmation. I love to write notes and tell people how grateful I am or how much I love them. My words work best when I write them, then my emotions don't get in the way, because I cry at puppy dog commercials!
I dream of going to Europe or Australia, or Pennsylvania or Oregon or Maine. I just wanna go! I dream of shooting a HUGE moose and hanging it in my house (okay maybe I'd have to get a bigger house). I dream of building the house plan that Trevor and I have stashed away in a book. I would love to live in Alaska, darkness and all. I dream of helping others, financially or with food or shelter.
Favorite Music
Country, Classic rock, some Christian and whatever kind Wilson Phillips sings because I LOVE THEM!
Most of all I love being me! I love that I am 30, yes I do! It means I 've learned so much, grown so much and been able to spend these years with amazing people. Creating my paddles and steering down this beautifu, crazy, chaos creek of life! I love my family, My Father in Heaven, my home, my Husband, my Fabulous Five, our farm life, my friends and all that I am surrounded with. My Cup Runneth Over!! So although it's the big THREE O this year I wouldn't have it anyother way, because this is me, this is where I want to be, still growing still learning and still steering through rapids, and calm waters! Happy May 8th EVERYBODY!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
no no no NO NO NO NO!!!!
This morning I showered (I know your shocked, ha ha) proceeded to get ready. I recently got my hair cut into an Aline bob thingy (LOVE IT) so I had to round brush it. Pulled half the hair up and saw something.......glistening. I leaned in closer.....closer....AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! Yes it was my FIRST and ONLY GRAY HAIR! I about had a heart attack, but thought that would only increase the stress level which obviously didn't need increased because I HAD A GRAY HAIR!!!! OH GEESH! I don't think this turning.....whatever age I am turning (not 30, nope not me, I'm not, I'm Not, I'M NOT!) On a better note, I beat my mother by 13 years. Poor woman started to gray at 17!! By the time she had my littlest brother (she was like 31) people were asking her if they were her grand kids. (my mother does NOT look old now, let alone when she was 31)! Anyway I lasted this long I guess it's time to EMBRACE it... or better yet DYE IT!! Yep, that's what I will be doing til about age 70. DYING MY GRAY HAIR!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
My Style?!?! It has a name?!? It's called WHAT?!?
Design Time!
Okay, so a friend of mine recently did this Quiz from Home Goods about what your style is... yeah seriously how awesome is that? I had to try it. I have always wondered what official name my "Style" had. This same friend and I have been helping each other do a few projects here and there to help "Style" our homes. Super fun! So here are the results and the much awaited official name of my style. I about CHOKED!
"You Are A BOHEMIAN CASUAL: You are interested in creating a place where people feel relaxed. You have a variety of interests and influences and so appreciate different styles, cultures, and objects. Your home is cozy, with comfy chairs, throw pillows and places to set a drink or a book. But it also feels creative and visually intriguing, because you have an artist's eye that allows you to find objects that appeal to you in a unique and personal way—whether from your travels or from a local shop. This gives your home a feeling of being laid-back, and maybe even a bit quirky with its mix of pieces—some of which are classic, some handmade, some ethnic, and some just rich in meaning to you.
Okay first off I was like... WHAT?? BOHEMIAN (no this does not mean I am Hippie! No it doesn't, Nope, nope not at all). I don't even understand what it means, but some of what they said was SPOT on! I like to think of my home as "Cozy, with comfy chairs, throw pillows and places to set a drink or book". I hope that's how people feel in my home, I know I do! The artist's eye thing...don't know if I feel that so much, but maybe :). I like that my style could give my home a "laid-back" feeling, as you all know (or do now) I AM NOT LAID-BACK! In fact Jo laughs at people who say "your mom is so relaxed!" HA HA! The part that hit home for me was that I "value order", Oh geesh ya think?! I always say, a clean home is a happy home! Although for some reason mine never stays that way! YES, I feel HAPPIEST when my home is IN ORDER, my children will attest. In fact some days I must remind myself that I need to live a little and not clean so much! I love the whole last section about order, about not letting things in I don't really love! My home is my Heaven on Earth! I love it, I love being home and I like it to be clean, organized and HAPPY!
1. Your Design Challenge: ORGANIZEThe front hall sets the mood for your entire home. Consider how to accommodate all the room's functions as beautifully as possible. At the very least you need a console, and if you're short on storage, consider a dresser. Outfit the surface with nice trays and bowls for mail, keys and sunglasses. Keep a trash can for immediately tossing the junk mail. Closet-door or wall hooks encourage coat and bag hanging rather than dumping. If you have children, try to give each a basket in the closet for hats and gloves. It's nice to have a chair or bench for changing shoes, a mirror for last-minute lipstick checks, and a lamp or sconces for warm light.I love this tip, I am forever wondering what to do with all the CRAP that the kids and hubby bring in the door. We don't have a mudroom so our kitchen turns into the storage for all the junk, muddy shoes, cow pie smelling socks and whatever else My man and rug-rats bring in the back door. And the front seems to be just as messy, we get shoes piled up (like we are Payless or something). Organizing all these spaces would help my brain function!
Okay, so a friend of mine recently did this Quiz from Home Goods about what your style is... yeah seriously how awesome is that? I had to try it. I have always wondered what official name my "Style" had. This same friend and I have been helping each other do a few projects here and there to help "Style" our homes. Super fun! So here are the results and the much awaited official name of my style. I about CHOKED!
"You Are A BOHEMIAN CASUAL: You are interested in creating a place where people feel relaxed. You have a variety of interests and influences and so appreciate different styles, cultures, and objects. Your home is cozy, with comfy chairs, throw pillows and places to set a drink or a book. But it also feels creative and visually intriguing, because you have an artist's eye that allows you to find objects that appeal to you in a unique and personal way—whether from your travels or from a local shop. This gives your home a feeling of being laid-back, and maybe even a bit quirky with its mix of pieces—some of which are classic, some handmade, some ethnic, and some just rich in meaning to you.
You value order. You feel happiest if your home is well organized. You understand that when your house is in order, your mind feels clearer. Rather than a lot of meaningless objects or overly-designed items, you are happier with a few well-placed things. Your home is your respite from a busy life. Try to avoid letting things into your home that you don't really love."
Okay first off I was like... WHAT?? BOHEMIAN (no this does not mean I am Hippie! No it doesn't, Nope, nope not at all). I don't even understand what it means, but some of what they said was SPOT on! I like to think of my home as "Cozy, with comfy chairs, throw pillows and places to set a drink or book". I hope that's how people feel in my home, I know I do! The artist's eye thing...don't know if I feel that so much, but maybe :). I like that my style could give my home a "laid-back" feeling, as you all know (or do now) I AM NOT LAID-BACK! In fact Jo laughs at people who say "your mom is so relaxed!" HA HA! The part that hit home for me was that I "value order", Oh geesh ya think?! I always say, a clean home is a happy home! Although for some reason mine never stays that way! YES, I feel HAPPIEST when my home is IN ORDER, my children will attest. In fact some days I must remind myself that I need to live a little and not clean so much! I love the whole last section about order, about not letting things in I don't really love! My home is my Heaven on Earth! I love it, I love being home and I like it to be clean, organized and HAPPY!
They also give you a palette of colors that are your "Happy Home Colors"... HA ha ha, much to my fun, out there, aqua, sunshine (make me have an anxiety attack and break out in hives) color loving friend's dismay, mine were all RED's or closely related. Yep, that about sums up my love for RED! Red wall, red pillows, red grape vine wallpaper. Yep I think that's a good fit! (no she really won't be dismayed, she's probably in agreement!)
Okay so how do I incorporate all this?
Here is what they gave me as sort of a plan,
2. Your Happy PlaceMake this room as comfortable and inviting as possible by bringing in some real furniture like an armchair or a sofa if you have the space. A little lamp on the counter or decorative hanging light can set the mood. Stools are great perches and can easily be moved around. Don't forget to bring your personality and style into this room: hang some art or display a collection of family photos in mixed frames. Consider bold, happy colors in the kitchen as well, like brightly colored pots and pans, big bowls for corralling fruits and vegetables, and trays for spices, oils, teas and pepper mills.
3. Be Party-Ready All the Time!Scent: The first thing you notice about a home is how it smells. Use naturally fragrant cleaning products. If you find a scented candle or fresh potpourri you love, stock up on it. Any scent you like, whether perfume or linen spray, can be used on upholstery, bedding or just spritzed into the air.
Isn't that funny! I usually do notice how people's homes smell. In fact ... totally off subject, but when I was little my mom's friend came over and I asked her if she was pregnant..... She was and hadn't told anyone that. I knew because she smelled like a hospital... CRAZY I know, but my sniffer works pretty well. HA HA! I love the different smells of people's homes, and it must be genetic because my kids can tell who sends them packages by the smell, or if someone is at our home they know because of how it smells....okay so maybe we are a bit ODD! But I think I already knew that!
Mood: Nice, flattering light makes us feel good. So nix the harsh, direct light from overhead fixtures in favor of the softer glow from floor and table lamps. Also, stock up on some votive candles and a couple of hurricane lanterns for setting around the room.Good advice, we love lamps...although we don't have very many of them! But we are always turning on lamps and turning off the lights. I am not a bright light fan, ask my kids... I like to brush my teeth in the dark, I like to shower in the dark. When the kids start turning on lights in the morning I follow and flick them back off. Can't we enjoy some darkness people!!! Yes this may have something to do with why I wanna live in ALASKA!
Food: Devote space in your pantry or on a shelf for go-to party essentials: crackers, dip, chips, nuts—whatever you like to serve. Keep on hand a collection of attractive bowls and cocktail napkins, and you'll be able to set a spread—instantly!I love this idea to have it on hand. We aren't the hosting type, but I like to be prepared and pretty platters and dishes are my favorite things!
Drink: The simplest and chicest thing is to have a drinks tray or table always set up. Include a mix of pretty glasses, an ice bucket, a lovely pitcher, and bottles of soda and water. When the bell rings, just add ice and limes.Good idea, although it would require a bit more room than we have available :)
That about sums it up, although I need to look up BOHEMIAN... (fearing that search).... I like what they said. And like my friend's post, mine wasn't exactly right, but a lot of things were SPOT on. I will have to take that into consideration as I slowly....ever so slowly create the spaces in our home that I want.
So what's your Official Style name?
Isn't that funny! I usually do notice how people's homes smell. In fact ... totally off subject, but when I was little my mom's friend came over and I asked her if she was pregnant..... She was and hadn't told anyone that. I knew because she smelled like a hospital... CRAZY I know, but my sniffer works pretty well. HA HA! I love the different smells of people's homes, and it must be genetic because my kids can tell who sends them packages by the smell, or if someone is at our home they know because of how it smells....okay so maybe we are a bit ODD! But I think I already knew that!
Mood: Nice, flattering light makes us feel good. So nix the harsh, direct light from overhead fixtures in favor of the softer glow from floor and table lamps. Also, stock up on some votive candles and a couple of hurricane lanterns for setting around the room.Good advice, we love lamps...although we don't have very many of them! But we are always turning on lamps and turning off the lights. I am not a bright light fan, ask my kids... I like to brush my teeth in the dark, I like to shower in the dark. When the kids start turning on lights in the morning I follow and flick them back off. Can't we enjoy some darkness people!!! Yes this may have something to do with why I wanna live in ALASKA!
Food: Devote space in your pantry or on a shelf for go-to party essentials: crackers, dip, chips, nuts—whatever you like to serve. Keep on hand a collection of attractive bowls and cocktail napkins, and you'll be able to set a spread—instantly!I love this idea to have it on hand. We aren't the hosting type, but I like to be prepared and pretty platters and dishes are my favorite things!
Drink: The simplest and chicest thing is to have a drinks tray or table always set up. Include a mix of pretty glasses, an ice bucket, a lovely pitcher, and bottles of soda and water. When the bell rings, just add ice and limes.Good idea, although it would require a bit more room than we have available :)
That about sums it up, although I need to look up BOHEMIAN... (fearing that search).... I like what they said. And like my friend's post, mine wasn't exactly right, but a lot of things were SPOT on. I will have to take that into consideration as I slowly....ever so slowly create the spaces in our home that I want.
So what's your Official Style name?
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Welcome to Up Chaos Creek! I am starting this blog to have a place to vent, to discover, to learn and to grow. As I attempt to build paddles and steer my life down the course I want it to go. I may lose a paddle or pick up a few paddlers to help along the way :) But it's all about the journey right? I am slowly discovering that the JOY is in the JOURNEY! With five kiddos, a hot hubby and our "farm" life (did I mention I really do have a creek? yep in my back yard!) we really do have chaos, constantly. But we manage, somehow, someway, to make it through each day!
We'll introduce the Fam, as I'm sure they'll be a major part of this blog. Helping me build our paddles, or lose our paddles, or getting whacked with the paddles (ha ha ha!). That hot husband there...Sorry he's very much taken! We'll call him Hank, because that's what his mom calls him :). Our oldest Sue is in college and becoming a beautiful woman! She's an amazing girl and we are so proud of all she's accomplished. Next comes Bud, the band boy, yep he loves band, most easy going kid ever. He's a ham and a great help. Then comes Josephina aka Jo, she's an old soul in a little body, too smart for her own good, and wise beyond her years. Fourth, Buckwheat...he's full of life, crazy, fun, wacky and wild. Everything a little boy should be. Last but certainly not least, Peanut. She's cute as a button and quick as a whip. She and Buckwheat make quite a pair, and if it's quiet.....RUN!!! Cause troubles a brewin'! Well that's us, living, loving, and laughing UP this CHAOS CREEK! I hope you check back often and feel inspired, empowered and motivated to build your own paddles! P.S. Leave me a comment! I'd love to hear your thoughts or ideas!
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