Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Homeschooling Schedule

All of our homeschool curriculum finally made it's way to our abode this week.  We have been so blessed to find amazing resources and be able to associate with some pretty awesome people as well.  As mentioned before we are using "The Family School" for History, Science, Literature, Music, Art and Geography.  These lessons we teach as a group.  And for the rest: Math, Language Arts and Spanish we are working with Hormony Educational Services. I am AMAZED at what we have been given and the things we will be able to do with it.  Along with the Math and Language Arts (which we are using a program called Odyssey, and we are loving it!) the kids got to choose some electives, Jo chose American Indian's, Sketching and Drawing, and Typing.  Buckwheat chose Rosetta Stone Spanish (Ok, Mom may have chose this for him so we all can use it :)), Dinosaurs, and Chemistry kit.  Peanut chose a Cooking kit (which came today and it has AWESOME contents) and a phonics kit.  The boxes arrived via Amazon and we have been on a "Christmas" High this week!  Rolling pins and cook books, cool color matching bowls with measuring spoons and cups, american Indian books and figures, colored pencils and chemistry kits......maybe we could skip Christmas......? Ha!  We started the week off with a bang!  Here is a breakdown of how our days typically go. We've been waking up around 7, but I need to adjust this a little......we are all NIGHT OWLS!

Morning Routine
Copy Work
Educational Games
Free Play
Family School ~ We focus on one subject a week and rotate.  For example this week we are doing History                             M-TH then next week we will do Literature, then Science then Geography.  We do Music                           and Art on rotating Fridays.
Recess ~ Basically they just need to get their wiggles out
Math/Language Arts
Practice Times
Afternoon duties

We usually do actual School work for about 2-3 hours a day which is more than sufficient for our needs.  We can get so much done in that amount of time.  Our school day runs from about Noon til 2 or 3.  Mornings are more dedicated to independent learning and Mom does the things she needs to accomplish.

I am not a scheduled time slot person.  Okay, that's a lie!  I am such a scheduled time slot person, but unfortunately my KIDS ARE NOT!  And if this Mom is going to be HAPPY and HOMESCHOOLING she can't be scheduled to the minute.  I had to let some things go in order to be sane and let the kids be kids!  It has actually turned out well and I am enjoying the "relaxed" feel that we have when we school this way. No more stress about "It's 12:30 and why haven't we started MATH yet?!!?"  those days are over.  In fact the more homeschooling I do the more I envy those who Unschool.  I NEVER thought I could do that, but it may be in our future.......(enter evil laughter here)!

That's our day in a nutshell.  It's working! It's glorious! And the kids are enjoying this year even more than they did the last.

How's school settling in for you?  Are you a scheduled person?

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